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Judge Beth W. Cappelli
Judge Andrew J. Hunt
Melissa A. Litteral, Clerk of Court
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Drug Court
Mission Statement

The mission of the FMDC is to provide a therapeutically oriented court managed, medically assisted drug intervention treatment if appropriate and monitoring program, that assists participants with a drug dependency diagnosis in developing a sober life style through evidence based intervention and the appropriate alcohol/drug/mental health treatment in a non-adversarial approach, as an alternative to traditional case processing.

Goals and Objectives - Standard 1(C)
Goal: Learn to live a drug and alcohol free life
Objective: Within two years of entering the Drug Program, the participant develops coping skills and recognizes relapse triggers through drug and alcohol counseling.   In order to have a successful completion of the program, the participant must provide negative drug screens for a minimum of 5 months prior to successful completion.
Goal: Increase successful completions of the terms of community control/probation and develop a relapse prevention plan.
Objective: Within two years to have 60% of participants successfully complete the FMDC and 100% of the participants to develop a relapse prevention plan prior to completion of the program.
Goal: Enhance the employment or education skills of the participant.
Objective: Within two years to have 70% of graduates working full or part time, enrolled in school full or part time, or obtaining/obtain a GED or specialized certificate to improve employment opportunities.
Goal: Reduce the average days the participant would spend in jail.
Objective: Decrease the average days spent in jail by participants by at least 50%.
Goal: Obtain and utilize outside support systems.
Objective: Before completion, the participant must be able to verbalize his/her support system outside of the treatment team, which will be included in their relapse prevention plan.
Goal: Stable housing.
Objective: Within two years to have 80% of participants maintain a revenue source for secure permanent housing.
Goal: Reduce recidivism.
Objective: Decrease the rate of recidivism of the participants to 25%.

For more information please review the FMDC Program Description and the FMDC Participant Handbook.

Court Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 4:00 pm
Court Address
1148 Kauffman Ave.
Fairborn, OH 45324
Contact Information
Phone: (937) 754-3040
Fax: (937) 879-4422

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